


For many use cases, the default rendering of the HTML5 backend should suffice. However, its drag preview has certain limitations. For example, it has to be an existing node screenshot or an image, and it cannot change midflight.

Sometimes you might want to perform the custom rendering. This also becomes necessary if you're using a custom backend. DragLayer lets you perform the rendering of the drag preview yourself.

A drag layer is a special subscriber to the global drag state. It is called a 'layer', not just a subscriber, because it is typically used to render custom elements that follow the mouse, above all other elements. The data flows like so:

drag start => global state => drag source => no preview
                              => drag layer  => preview rendered on the spot
drag moved => global state => drag layer  => preview moves
drag ends  => global state => drag layer  => preview erased

To use a drag layer as designed:

  1. Create a drag layer: SkyhookDndService.dragLayer. Make sure to unsubscribe from it in ngOnDestroy().

  2. Listen to global drag state changes with DragLayer.listen. These are all available on DragLayerMonitor: whether something is being dragged, what type it is, where the drag started, where the dragged element is now.

  3. If dragging, render a custom preview under the current mouse position, depending on the item type, in a position: fixed 'layer'. You may like to use an *ngSwitch on the type, rather than one drag layer per type, simply to reduce code duplication.

You can see an example of a drag layer over on the Examples page.

One piece of advice for using drag layers effectively is to separate 'smart' and 'dumb' components. If you have one component purely for visuals, which does all input through @Input() and all interactivity through @Output() events, then you can reuse it to display a drag preview based on either data in the item from DragSourceSpec.beginDrag, or supplied by a 'smart' component which pulls data from somewhere else using only an id. This practice is even more important if you are using, or planning on using, anything other than the HTML5 backend, because no other backend provides automatic previews. In those cases you must handle every draggable type in a drag layer to have any previews at all.

Or, you could just use @angular-skyhook/multi-backend.






listen(mapTo: (monitor: DragLayerMonitor) => void)
Type parameters :
  • O

For listen functions in general, see ConnectionBase.

This listen function is called any time the global drag state changes, including the coordinate changes, so that your component can provide a timely updated custom drag preview. You can ask the monitor for the client coordinates of the dragged item. Read the DragLayerMonitor docs to see all the different possibile coordinates you might subscribe to.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
mapTo function No
Returns : Observable<O>

result-matching ""

    No results matching ""